Armor Part: Apocalypse Thigh Guards (L)
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Armor:Apocalypse (L)
Weight:1.5 kg
Maximal TT:76 PED
Found on:Ancient Greece

Whatever raging forces created this desert wasteland in the past is unknown, but the deserts remaining residents have melded and bonded into a resourceful and cunning group. This armor built by them was assembled and designed using salvaged materials dug from the unforgiving sands nearby, resulting in a surprisingly useful protection set. Different classes of it were designed for different rank levels, but the ingenious design remains consistent, demonstrating a dogged resolve to be elite warriors when needed, even in a forgotten wasteland.

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These blueprints are used to craft the item.

NameLevelMaterialsItem valueItem markupItem markupCostCost/MCost/%Found on
Apocalypse Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint (L)3676  15.0015.74105.0Next Island

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