Mission: Iron Challenge: 100 Foul
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Iron Challenge Foul
Objective:Kill 100 Foul
Reward:Rifle (eq. 0.14 PED implant) or Handgun (eq. 0.14 PED implant) or Melee Combat (eq. 0.05 PED implant)
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Andrus Iron Challenge Mission Broker
Nearest City:Camp Echidna



Iron Challenge: 100 Foul


CFA hosts a series of Iron Challenges. This stage of the Foul Iron Challenge is to Kill 100 Foul.



  • Kill 100 Foul
    • 0 of 100
  • Return to CFA Mission Broker in Camp Echidna

Mission Chain

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"Hi there, my name is Andrus and I work for CFA.

We run this little event here, called the Foul Iron Challenge. Foul are vicious creatures that can be very dangerous if you come close to them. We have to shoot them off. So well ... if you are interested you can sign up here.

The first step is to exterminate 100 of them. Would you be interested in this?"



  • Tell me more about CFA
  • I'm interested
  • No

If you select "Tell me more about CFA", Andrus continues:

"Calypso Firearms Association is just out to help people protect themselves. If you're suddenly attacked by a Foul.. well, then you must have a gun to defend yourself.

But there ar those that think that guns should be controlled, that you need a licence to get a gun and at worst shouldnt be permitted to carry a gun at all. CFA wants to prove these people wrong and show that guns are needed everywhere just in case something catches your scent."



  • I see. Well, I'll hunt some Foul.
  • I can see that you would need a gun in the ouback, but do you really need a gun at school or a hospital?
  • Thanks but no.

If you select "I can see that you would need a gun in the outback...", Andrus continues:


"Well... ehh... these nasties may sneak into a school and eat the children? They are dangerous you know. My dog, Chubby , was eaten by a Foul in my backyard. My own backyard!

And you know, thats not the worst of it! First day of the Resettlement, there were Atrox right in the middleof Sakura City!"



  • I get your point. I'll kill some Foul for you.
  • I'm sorry about your dog, but I have better things to do.


Return to CFA Mission Broker in Camp Echidna:

Wow, you are killed 100 already? Do you want to continue? There are many more Fouls out there.


  • Sure.
  • I've had enough!

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