Mission: Adam's Anguish
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Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Adam
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Adam
Nearest City:Cayuze


Adam's Anguish

Adam is heartbroken. Gather three objects that he will give he will to his lost love.



  • Get the gifts
    • Find the flower (18208,38137)
    • Find the fruit (22589,39149)
    • Find the seashell (21407,38123)
  • Return to Adam

Quest/Mission Items

  • Rare Flower
  • Alien Fruit
  • Conch 


Mission Chain

Adam's Anguish
Get the gifts
Reward: None  
Find Varinia
Find Varinia
Intelligence (1 point)
Hunting Challenge: Iron Hogglo I
Kill Hogglo Worth 1200 Points
Aim (eq. 4.00 PED implant) or
Dexterity (eq. 4.00 PED implant) or
Bioregenesis (eq. 1.30 PED implant)
Hunting Challenge: Iron Hogglo II
Kill Hogglo Worth 3000 Points
 Reward: Heavy Melee Weapons (eq. 10.00 PED implant) or
Plasma Weaponry Technology (eq. 6.51 PED implant) or
Cryogenics (eq. 3.26 PED implant)
Hunting Challenge: Iron Hogglo III
Kill Hogglo Worth 12000 Points
 Reward: Rifle (eq. 40.00 PED implant) or
Alertness (eq. 26.04 PED implant) or
Dodge (eq. 13.02 PED implant)
Hunting Challenge: Iron Hogglo IV
Kill Hogglo Worth 30000 Points
Reward: Handgun (eq. 100.00 PED implant) or
Courage (eq. 65.10 PED implant) or
Electrokinesis (eq. 32.55 PED implant)
Hunting Challenge: Iron Hogglo V
Kill Hogglo Worth 60000 Points
Reward: Anatomy (eq. 200.00 PED implant) or
Laser Weaponry Technology (eq. 200.00 PED implant) or
Support Weapon Systems (eq. 65.10 PED implant)
Old Alpha

This enormous bulk is the bulldozer of the Calypsoan fauna. Faster than
it may look, the Hogglo will trample and maul, bite and chew up every
live thing in its path. All signs of living movements will drive it into
frenzy and the craze will not stop 'till all is silent.



Adam, Cayuze Mission Broker 


Oh, the misery! Oh, the pain of a broken heart!




  • Who are you?
  • I better leave you alone.


Without her, I am nothing! An empty shell depraved of meaning! Oh, she stole my heart and left this wretched husk behind!




  • Who stole your heart?


Her who's name is like a song. My beautiful Varinia Hortensia Felicia. A name that once where like honey over my lips, but now it stings my tongue like bitter bile. Oh my beautiful Varinia!




  • Why did she leave you?
  • Why don't you talk to her, try to get her back?


If you choose 'Why did she leave you?':


I cannot say. One day she just told me that it was over. Cruel world!

(He shakes his fist toward the sky)



  • Why don't you talk to her, try to get her back?


If you choose 'Why don't you talk to her, try to get her back?':


Oh, I dare not! What if she would say no? That would douse the single spark of life that remains inside of me, and condemn me to a world of utter blackness.




  • Don't you think that you are overreacting a bit?
  • So there is nothing to do then?


If you choose 'Don't you think that you are overreacting a bit?':


Overreacting! No, not I! You don't know what she means to me! She is my sun, my moon, my startit sky! Without her I dwell in darkness. And now she has left me... I am all alone.




  • Isn't that a quote from a movie or something?
  • Come, come there must something you can do?


If you choose 'Isn't that a quote from a movie or something?':


My life with Varina Hortensia Felicia was like the most beautiful movie ever! We sparkled in each others arms in the day, and in the the twilight we walked for hours on the sand, andin the midnight hours... utter passion!

And now... everything has turned into a dark tragedy! Misery!




  • But there must something you can do?


If you choose 'Come, come there must something you can do?' or 'But there must something you can do?' or 'So there is nothing to do then?':


There might be a way.

If I find the right gifts for her, then maybe she will take me back. I know the perfect gifts, you see, but I can't go and get them, because this is the place that she left me. What if she comes looking for me?




  • What kind of gifts do you have in mind?


On one of the heights on this island there is an exotic flower. On the beach in the north there lies a beautiful seashell. And a tree in the south bears the sweetest fruit one can imagine!

If I just could get my hands on these items I would offer them as a gift to her, as a proof of my love. Bus alas, I cannot leave this place! What if she comes looking for me and I am not here?




  • Tough luck. You seem to be in a sticky situation.
  • What if I gathered these objects and brought them to you?


If you choose 'Tough luck. You seem to be in a sticky situation.':


I know. All the powers in this world sharpen their daggers of misery and drives them into my hearth just to torture me! Again and Again, intil it almost stops beating. Oh Varinia, how could she leave me? How could she?!




  • Can it be that you overly dramatic?



I did not know drama; I did not know love until her eyes met mine the first time. She cast this spell on me and now I am hers forever and ever.

Can you feel pity for a sad creature sush as me? Would you help me to collect these three gifts and then bring them to me?





  • Well, I guess I can help you.
  • Nope, sorry! I laugh at your misery!


If you choose 'What if I gathered these objects and brought them to you?' or 'Well, I guess I can help you.':


Would you be my knight in shining armor and help me in this hour of need!? If you would I will repay you with eternal gratitude and everything I own. The fruit, the flower and the seashell will win back the heart of my beloved Varinia Hortensia Felicia!




  • Yes, I will help you.
  • Naaah I changed my mind Sorry!


Return before the end:

Adam, Cayuze Mission Broker 


Have you found all the gifts yet? The gifts meant for my beloved Varinia Hortensia Felicia?




  • Can you tell me about the gifts again?
  • I will keep on Looking.


The first gift is a flower that growns on one of the heights on this island. On the beach in the north there lies a beautiful seashell. and a tree in the south bears fruit.

Find these tree gifts and return them to me.




  • I will keep on Looking.



Adam, Cayuze Mission Broker 

You have found all the gifts! Oh my friend! This is a spark of joy in the vast void of darkness that is my life!

But I have one thing more to ask you.




  • What?

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