Mission: Find Varinia
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Adam
Objective:Find Varinia
Reward:Intelligence (1 point)
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Adam
Required Mission:Adam's Anguish


Find Varinia

Find Varinia, present her with the three gifts that Adam sent her, and recite his poem.



  • Bring the gifts to Varinia
    • Talk to Varinia
    • Give the gifts
    • Recite the poem
  • return to Adam

Quest/Mission Items

  • Rare Flower
  • Alien Fruit
  • Conch


Mission Chain

Adam's Anguish
Get the gifts
Reward: None  
Find Varinia
Find Varinia
Intelligence (1 point)
Hunting Challenge: Iron Hogglo I
Kill Hogglo Worth 1200 Points
Aim (eq. 4.00 PED implant) or
Dexterity (eq. 4.00 PED implant) or
Bioregenesis (eq. 1.30 PED implant)
Hunting Challenge: Iron Hogglo II
Kill Hogglo Worth 3000 Points
 Reward: Heavy Melee Weapons (eq. 10.00 PED implant) or
Plasma Weaponry Technology (eq. 6.51 PED implant) or
Cryogenics (eq. 3.26 PED implant)
Hunting Challenge: Iron Hogglo III
Kill Hogglo Worth 12000 Points
 Reward: Rifle (eq. 40.00 PED implant) or
Alertness (eq. 26.04 PED implant) or
Dodge (eq. 13.02 PED implant)
Hunting Challenge: Iron Hogglo IV
Kill Hogglo Worth 30000 Points
Reward: Handgun (eq. 100.00 PED implant) or
Courage (eq. 65.10 PED implant) or
Electrokinesis (eq. 32.55 PED implant)
Hunting Challenge: Iron Hogglo V
Kill Hogglo Worth 60000 Points
Reward: Anatomy (eq. 200.00 PED implant) or
Laser Weaponry Technology (eq. 200.00 PED implant) or
Support Weapon Systems (eq. 65.10 PED implant)
Old Alpha

This enormous bulk is the bulldozer of the Calypsoan fauna. Faster than
it may look, the Hogglo will trample and maul, bite and chew up every
live thing in its path. All signs of living movements will drive it into
frenzy and the craze will not stop 'till all is silent.



Adam, Cayuze Mission Broker 


I dare not face my beloved Varinia myself. What if she says no straight to my face? What if I start to stutter, or shiver and drop the gifts?

No, I must beg you to go and find her.






  • Do you know where she is?
  • Do it yourself. I am out of here.


If you choose 'Do you know where she is?':


She is somewhere close to the pools in the mountains I think. I followed her for a while and that was the last place I saw her.






  • You followed her?
  • I will search for her.


If you choose 'You followed her?':


Yes, I could not bear to be apart from her. But it was equally painful to see her, to yearn for her from a distance. Oh, Varinia!






  • Well, I will find her and give her the gifts.


Tell her that Adam sent you. And tell her that I will love her now and forever. Tell her that I want us to be united again.






  • And what if she says no?


Then read this poem to her:

"Varinia your name is like a golgen sun.

That fills my heart with joy.

Without you my life is like a dried bun.

And I no longer shout ahoy!

But together we would dance, in trance

Sing a melody in harmony

You would see that I belong to thee.

Varinia my love!"






  • How could she say no after something like that, you are truly a great poet!
  • Listen, I give her the gifts bu I won't recite that poem!


If you choose 'How could she say no after something like that, you are truly a great poet!:


Thank you... I hope her heart melts and that her love for me flares up anew!





  • Well, I'll be going now.


Varinia Hortensia Felicia, Cayuze


How can help you?





  • Are you Varinia Hortensia Felicia?


Yes, that's me.





  • I have something for you. These gifts are from Adam. He has asked me to tell you that he loves you with all his heart and he wants you back. Believe me he is really distraught.


Oh, no! Not you as well! I swear I will *CENSORES* kill him!





  • What? Who? Adam?


Do you think you are the first person he persuaded to come and talk to me? He has sent hundreds! How can you be fooled by him? Cant you tell that he's a deranged and distrurbed person just by talking to him?







  • But he loves you!
  • Well... he was a bit weird.


If you choose 'But he loves you!':


He is not in love! He is *CENDORED* mentally ill! I don't know, perhaps his parents dropped him, or his brain was damaged in the restreaming, or soething. He's nuts, and he must have escaped from an instruction, or he should be put there, or something. I don't even know him!





  • Oh... Well...


I had to get a restraining order just to keep him from following me around. But now, instead he sends people to harass me.





  • At least he brought you gifts.


Gifts! You call these gifts! You can tell that *CENSORED* that he should go and *CENSORED* himself. These are not gifts, it's an insult!

Look at this flower! it is a rare speciment! Very few remain on Calypso. If he sends a couple more peolple with this gifts it will be totally extinct!





  • Yes but...


And this fruit! He could at least send me something that was edible. But no, not an overgrown *CENSORED* like him.





  • Well I...


And a seashell. Why?! Why does he give me a seashell?!

I am a biologist, you know. I try to do my work, but no! Gullible *CENSORED* like you disturb me all the time because of that *CENSORED* psycho.






  • Hey, I didn't know. I'm sorry.
  • You might change your mind after this poem.


If you choose 'Hey, I didn't know. I'm sorry.':


Well. I guess I should not blame you. But he's a *CENSORED* stalker. If you can, try to persuade him to stop sending people with gifts to me.






  • Well, I will try to talk to him.
  • He is your problem. You can deal with him.

If you choose 'Well, I will try to talk to him.': return to Adam

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