Mission: Tune Genesis Star sensors
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Genesis Star Technical
Objective:Tune sensors
Reward:125 Nova Fragments
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Mission Terminal Assignments, Fort Troy
Nearest City:Fort Troy
Mission Locations


Tune Genesis Star sensors

Tune the five Genesis Star sensors placed around the Cyclops caldera, then return to Genesis Star representative at East Scylla Mountains.



  • Tune Sensors
    • Tune sensor Alpha (77842,71109)
    • Tune sensor Beta (76552,70070)
    • Tune sensor Gamma (75747,70657)
    • Tune sensor Delta (75673,69807)
    • Tune sensor Epsilon (76438,70576)
  • Return to Genesis Star Personnel at East Scylla


Mission Chain


Mission Terminal, Fort Troy

(on terminal as: (Genesis Star) Technical Assignment


Genesis Star hires able colonists for technical assignment.  Five sensors are placed at strategic locations around the volcano in order to monitor robot activites in the region as well as the volcano itself.  Due to unforeseen electromagnetic shifts caused by the volcano, these sensors must be tuned to the right frequency on a regular basis.


Find the five sensors and tune them manually.

Mission walkthrough


  • Accept job offer
  • Decline job offer


On completion, go to Science Officer Matthew Book at East Scylla and receive reward of 125 Nova Fragments, and option for Scan the Robot's Soil Samples mission.

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