Mission: Go to the robot psychologist camp
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:University of Valhalla
Objective:Seek out Anna
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Mission Terminal Assignments, Fort Troy
Nearest City:Fort Troy



Seek out Anna Bjorkdottir at her camp west of Fort Troy.  Follw the trace south-west from Fort Troy and turn right at the sign at the fork



  • Find Anna Bjorkdottir


Mission Chain




Mission Terminal, Fort  Troy

(Mission listed as: Extra hand needed for scientific study)


Help is wanted.

I am looking for an extra hand in the scientific studies of the robot presence on Calypso.  No prior knowledge in the function of artificial life forms or technical skills are required, but will be seen as a bonus.

If you are interested, see out Anna Bjorkdottir at the Valhalla University science camp (by the volcano not far from Fort Troy; follow the path south-west from Troy and turn right at the marker.

Grunts, punks and trigger happy soldiers need not bother.




  • Accept job offer.
  • Decline job offer.


NOTE: Mission is completed on arrival at the camp (79537, 68375), however if you clik on Anna, the dialogue continues:

Hello! How nice of you to drop by.


I take it you're here for the job?


  • What job?
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, I mistook you for someone else.



If you choose 'Yes, that's right.':

Well, I"m Anna, by the way.  I'm from Valhalla University on Callisto, and I'm here to do a field study fo the robots' psychology.  My grants are not that big, so I cannot offer you any grand payments, but you will do the scientific world a big favour.

Tell me, do you have any experience with robots?


  • Yeah. I have destroyed my share of them.. It is beautiful how effectively modern weaponry is when it comes to put hols through the tin cans.
  • Well, I have been in close contact with them a couple of times.
  • No, not really.



If you choose 'Well, I have been in close contact with them a couple of times.'

Then I hope you know how to stay out of their way.

  • I will do my best.

Anyway. Let's look on what needs to be done.  I have two minor tasks to start with. I need someone who can go out into robot territory and reset some cameras there so that I can observe the robots.
I also need someone that can guard the area around the camp and fend off wild beasts.


  • Tell me more about resetting the cameras.
  • Tell me more about guarding the camp.
  • No, I have changed my mind.



If you choose 'Tell me more about resetting the cameras':

I need to study the robots and their behavour.  I use small cameras to record their activities.  They are set in trees in the jungles north of here.  The robots are not stupid so they disable the cameras whenever they find them.

I need you to enable these five cameras, and without destroying any of the robots.  If you attack them they will know that something has happened, and then they will search the area and disable all the cameras.  Then we will have to start all over again.


  • I'll do it.
  • What about me guarding the camp instead?
  • This is not worth my time.



If you choose 'What about me guarding the camp instead?':

The unusual high robot presence in the area has whacked the eco-system in the head big time!  The grazing animals as well as the predators are driven from their territories.

Unfortunately they have come too close to camp recently.  If nothing is done, it will be swarmed.  And it's is not easy to focus on your research when these lizards try to gulp you down or just bite your arm off.

Do me a favour, please.  There are a number of stone obelisks surrounding the camp.  One of them is just outside the camp to the west.  The other nine are at the base of this volcanic hill.  Use them as waypoint markers and patrol the area sround the camp.

Oh, and kill a couple of beasts too while you're at it, to reduce their numbers.  Okay?


  • No problem.
  • Hey, wait a minute.  you think it is right to kill living creatures, but not robots?
  • No thanks.



If you choose 'Hey, wait a minute.  you think it is right to kill living creatures, but
not robots?':

Oh no, you are not one of those CARA activists are you?


  • CARA?
  • Yes.
  • No, But why is it right to kill animals but not robots?



If you choose 'CARA?':

Calypso Animal Rights Activitists.  A militant group that has made it their mission to protect the wildlife of Calypso.

  • Never heard of them.

Listen. There is a big difference betwen the beasts of Calypso and the robots.  It's called intelligence.  The robots are a species of highly intelligent beings.

The animals of Calypso, well... they are just animals.  Sure, if you give them a couple of million years to evolve and establish a culture, I would be against killing them as well.
But right now, their whole culture is eating, copulating, and dropping dung, and I care about it as much as I care for my Sunday steak.

Are you up for the job or not ?


  • Okay, I will do it.
  • Are there any other assignments for me?
  • I'll pass.



If you choose 'Are there any other assignments for me?" the dialog reverts to the Tell me more about resetting the cameras section.


If you agree to reset the cameras:

Good. Report back to me when you are done. Remember, no destroyed robots!  Then it will all be for nothing and we have to start all over again.

  • Ok.

Mission Reset the cameras begins.

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