Mission: Into the Volcano
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Genesis Star Technical
Objective:Find the machine (76338, 70429)
Reward:Combat Reflexes (eq. 1 PED Implant) & 500 Nova Fragments
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Science Officer Matthew Book
Nearest City:East Scylla Mountains
Required Mission:Scan the Robot's soil samples
Mission Locations


Into the Volcano


Find the robot extraction machine in the volcano, bypass its security and download the data.


  • Find the Machine (76338,70429)
  • Download data from machine
    • Connect computer
    • Bypass security
    • Download data
  • Return to Officier Book
  • Do not die


Quest/Mission Items

  • Computer


Mission Chain


 Science Officer Matthew Book, East Scylla

Good that you are back. I have a job for you.

Something extraordinary has happened. We have discovered that the robots have set up a machine inside the caldera of Cyclops volcano. We are not sure of what it does, except that there is a vertical thermal flow beneath it. 

We need someone to get past the robot defenses, hook up a computer to it, hack it and download its memory. Hacking the robot network through a hardline is easier than through the air, but it still takes time, and we expect the download to be pretty big too. Expect that the robots will try to stop you.

When you have the data, return to me. 


  • No thanks. I have better things to do than get killed.
  • Can you tell me more about the machine?
  • Okay, I will do it.



If you choose 'Can you tell me more about the machine?':

As I said, there's a vertical thermal flow just beneath it. It's not natural, because it's thin as a needle and straight as an arrow. My guess is that they are tapping either energy or raw materials from Calypso's upper mantle. But I really don't know what they were doing. If I knew, I would not send someone there to get hard data. We need to know what is happening here, and one thing is for sure: the robots will not tell us.


  • Somebody has to be the hero, I'll do it.
  • Sorry. It's not my kind of mission. Find someone else.



On return to Science Officer Matthew Book:

Impressive. I must say that I wasn't sure that you would come back. And better yet, you have the download. Good job indeed!

And by the way, this data is considered a corporate secret and Genesis Star property.


  • Is there anything else I can do?
  • Thanks



If you choose "Is there anything else I can do?":

Well, Genesis Star is always in need of some more robot parts to study, and our equipment alwas needs service.  You can find such assignments in the mission terminal.

As for the downloaded data, my staff will be busy analyzing the data.  We'll come back to you if we have something for you.

  • Ok




The dialog with the robot computer is coded.


  • a1a23b2c7a5ce9




  • f92f1c4dd0b88ec3a3
  • e82ce62c5d5dc4d7a1c3f5
  • f67ab1e33d3db43fe1
  • 5a8d7ba77a1dd12dd9d4   < Pick this one
  • b55cd4a0c6d1



  • c67dd94a5db78e
  • c97d8b1ad4d45c
  • e6e86b6d6fa4f4   < Pick this one
  • e46d4ce52a
  • a88ae2a03ae15c6f3fe9e66fc34b5aa6d0
  • d16a2e4ab40d2ea0e24d



  • a95bf62b6e1dd03af3


If the security bypass is not found, the mission fails. You can return to Officer Book and restart the mission.

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