Mission: Report to mr Book
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:For discreet applicants only
Objective:Go to see Mr Book
Mission Broker
Nearest City:East Scylla Mountains
Required Mission:For discreet applicants only



Report yourself to Mr Book at East Scylla Mountains for illegal computer intrusion.



  • Report yourself to Mr Book


Mission Chain






Mr Book, East Scylla Mountains

Do you have anything to report, Colonist?


  • It must be some kind of mistake!
  • I have done a terrible thing.

If you choose "It must be some kind of mistake!":

What kind of mistake?


  • I was close to one of your sensors up at the volcano, and suddenly it claimed that I had tampered with it.  But I wasnt me!
  • Well, I sort of have gotten myself into a mess


If you choose "Well, I sort of have gotten myself into a mess":

A mess.  Well that's common on the Frontier.  Here, trouble seeks us, not the other way around.

So tell me about this mess.

  • A man hired me to place a homing device on one of your sensors.

You'd better take it from the start. 

  • I was hired by a man that called himself Mr Lyndon.  He was working for someone, but I dont know for whom.  He asked me to place a homing device on your sensor, and then return it to him for a reward.  But then the alarm went off, and well... here I am.

Genesis Star does not take corporate terrorism lightly.  But your confession proves that you want to do the right thing.  And you know, you have opened the window of opportunity.  I'll give you a chance to make amends.

Here take this small scanner.  It will automatically scan all hi-tech equipemnt on your person and send information back to us.  Report back to this Mr Lyndon and continue to work for him.  We will monitor you covertly, and if we're lucky, we may find out who pulls his strings.

If something happens, for instance that your cover is blown, report back to me.  Otherwise, just go on as if we've never met.

A word of warning, though:  deceive us again, and you will spend the rest of your natural life in a penal colony at least sixty million kilometers from anywhere.  Got it?

  • Got it.  I'll do it, I promise!

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