Chazlow/Witte (user discussion)

Hi Witte,


I would like to add a Column to the Materials Chart called Planet to define Calypso/Next Island/Rocktropia etc... as is selectable on the Creatures charts.


Also would like to add new categories to Materials called Crystals which are refinable crafting materials on Next Island with which id like to populate the Entropedia database.


I have tried to add a column but it appears I dont have access although i have a registered Entropedia account.


Not sure what other restrictions there are on my edits.


Any help is appreciated.



Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

Also, how do i become a trusted member?

Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47



users can not add columns as it requires changes to the database, and only an admin can do that. I have added the requested column. You can add a new catagory simply by typing it. You can become a trusted member if you show a trustworthy update history and are actively doing updates. If you think that applies to you and you want to help out improving the accuracy of the data you can request me to add the trusted status.



Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47
Hi Witte,

Thanks for the updates, and that bug fix - was driving me a little mad

Ive noticed that now in the Materials section filtering by planet gives all the planet specific items plus Entropia Universe items.
To view the planet only item alone, you need to select the planet, then filter by found, then type in the planet again.
Not sure if this is possible, but instead could you place a Tick box that allows the show/hide EU items so that planet specific items are easier to view and manage.

If possible id also like to be added to the trusted list if I qualify.

Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47


I made the planet filter work like that on purpose, as it seems to me that when you use Entropedia you want to know all info that is valid for the planet you are currently on. You can indeed filter it out again using the general filter. You can make an URL to a filter by adding the filter to the querystring. So to filter out Next Island only, you will get this link: On=Next Island Hope that helps. It looks like you have a good update history and you are an active updater, so I will add the trusted status. Make sure you carfully read the guidlines.





Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47
Hi Witte,

I've recently received some emails from planet arkadia outlining mining equipment and weapons that have names but no stats. These items are confirmed items by the Planet Arkadia CEO.

In light of the pending release I've added Planet Arkadia to the planet list.

Is it premature to add the items as well given that they have no stats?

Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47



I don't really see any use to add the items already, but I don't really see any harm either, its up to you.



Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47
Hi Witte,

Nothing major - small request.

Would it be possible for you to restrict the SIB column to a Yes or No selection as opposed to the field accepting any string.

Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

Another suggestion - given you are 1 man with only two arms and ten fingers i hope im not asking for too much

Is it possible to add the planet attribute and filter at the top of the table (as for materials and weapons pages) to the blueprint and furniture pages (or possibly all pages where planet specific items are shown?).

Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47



I added yes or no options for the SIB colimn and planet columns for blueprint and furniture. If you can give me a list of which charts need a planet column I can add those too.



Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47
Thanks Witte,

SIB column works well thx mate.

Ran into a few bugs:

Firstly, When editing anything on the blueprints chart i receive the following error after clicking submit:
  • Unable to cast onject of type 'System.UInt32' to type 'System.String'.
All info is accepted and saved except the planet selection for that item.

Secondly, the Furniture chart only displays a single item:
  • Showing 1 of 209 items and only lists Gray Armchair (C)
Planet filter is selectable but no items appear except for that one and all categories appear below the chart but are empty.

Charts 'I think' need a planet column - at your discression.
  • Platings Chart
  • Medical Tools Chart
  • Misc Tools Chart

If there is a way the Misc Tools can be easily split into seperate Mining Tools / Beauty & Coloring Tools / Misc Tools pages it would be great.

Also, is it possible to add an Thumbnail chart image column (item images) to the Blueprint Books Chart

Apologies for the essay.

Much appreciated,
Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

Thanks for reporting the bugs (didn't have the time to test yesterday). They should be fixed now. I will add the planet column to the suggested charts. As for splitting the misc tool chart, I am affraid there is no easy way. I could create new charts, but they would need to be filled in manually. I could create an SQL queries that does it automatically but it would take some time for me to figure that out (I am not that much of an expert, just a hobbyist). Is there any particular reason they should be split?


Speaking of which, if you have any columns that need a batch update (such as the new planet columns) just ask me. I need to know the criteria though. I can for example update all blueprints that are added before rocktropia was added to "calypso". Although I think there are several general blueprints that drop on all planets? Or do all blueprints drop on all planets? Anyway, great job updating, much appreciated.

Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

Thanks for all that. The blueprints reside in different books from different planets depending on the item so it seems manually updating is easier - no golden bullet unfortunately.

The only consideration for the split was that the Med tools have thier own page - understandable. The scanners also have their own chart although there arent many and do basically the same job. The refining tools or beauty items dont have their own page. Only reason was I was thinking of a way to link charts with the corresponding filters to each of the professions to create some guides. I guess this can be done regardless of splitting the tables.

Few little bugs when you have time (sorry for being a pain):

When editing Blueprints the 'Storage Containers' type is missing and if the type attribute is empty an error pops up so info cant be saved.

For the blueprints that ive added a 'location' to it appears multiple times on the right hand side table within the specific stats page for the blueprint. The number of times it appears is also inconsistent. Not sure how that is generated.

The Colonizer armor parts are generating an Ooops error. The main Colonizer armor page is accessible, images assignable to each part but the part pages are bugged. (hope i didnt cause that one :O)

Also - are you able to create an 'Achievements' page under the Information section on the Left hand side. Columns would be 'Name', 'Type' with the selections (PvP, Mining, Hunting, Manufacturing, Stories, Exploring, Feats), 'Description'.

Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

The general criteria for items having their own chart is when they have unique stats, other than decay. If any item type in the misc chart has that, It should deserve a chart on its own, unless there are really few of them. I am currently working on a method for users to add charts and columns themselves. It is a bit complicated though, not sure when that will be finished. As for the bugs, thanks for reporting. They are on the to do list and will be fixed in the next time I update the site. I will also add the suggested chart by then.



Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

I am unable to reproduce the error in the colonizer armor. Can you give a step by step description of how to reproduce the error?

Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47
It appears to be working for myself and others now now but simply clicking the armour part link would produce the error at the time.

Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

The bugs should be fixed. I updated some of the inner working of the site, so new bugs may have introduced. If you find any, don't hasitate to report them.



Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47
Thx Witte, will do.

Apologies for the Daikiba/Shinkiba mess - I should have made a seperate entry for them regardless. Thanks for undoing my mistake.
Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47
Hi Witte,

A PC forum user found a bug i can replicate.

When adding an item to the BP drops chart the error 'unknown type' results.
This adds a blank entry to the chart each time an attempt is made.

Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47



The problem should be resolved, thanks for reporting.



Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

Another bug,

Blueprint materials tables and 'dropped from' info no longer appears for the majority of blueprints.

Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

I will check it out, thanks for reporting.

Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47
Hi Witte,

Added a hidden column 'Min HP' to the Creature chart that lists the minimum HP of all the mobs - currently under the 'Other' group.

How do I add a label?

I would like it to say 'HP of Least Mature Mob, excluding Puny' when hovering.

Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47



a description field was not added yet. I currently have some spare time so I will add it. Thanks for informing me.



Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

Description field is added to the chartmanagement page.



Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47
Hi Witte,

When selecting the planet from the intro Entropedia page the charts show all the data related to the EU and the planet it self - but not its sub-entities.

For example clicking the Next Island image displays items in Next Island, but in Ancient Greece.

Would it be feasible that when selecting the image it displays all items for that planet, including sub-entities - and further filtering is performed via the drop down menu on the left.

Some crystals in NI now drop in Ancient greece exclusively and they and the refined variants won't appear unless in the material list with all other crystals unless Ancient Greece is exclusively selected.

This would also apply for RT - Hell and the new Arctic region, Calypso - Foma and CP, Arkadia - underground.


Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47
Hi Witte,

I've made a single basemap for the new set of islands - not sure what to call them Volcano islands?

Anyway, im unable to add it to the basemap section. Says I do not have edit rights and to register an account.

Any suggestions?

Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47



You now have edit rights to the base map chart.



Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47
Hi Witte,

Firstly, is it possible for you to add an 'Events' heading under the 'Information' section on the left hand menu. I am unable to add a new category in the chart tools section, only able to add new charts under existing categories.

Events section was to tabulate history of FoF, WoF, EUWBC, Miss Calypso etc...

Was going to place it under Miscellaneous but it may get lost in the info there and doesnt seem appropriate.

Secondly, is there an easy way to 'un-tag' images that do not require an update but are labelled with Pre-VU 10 on the image, or should I simply replace them.

Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

Hi, I added a new section. I can update the image dates in the database but it can not be done using the site interface. If you tell me which images should be updated I can do that.



Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47
Hi Witte,

Minor bug you may be able to fix.

I've added a 'Found on' column to the clothing chart to specify planet type. Everything looks ok in the chart management section and the chart itself, except an error occurs when clicking an item to view the info page only for items with a planet specified in the 'Found on' column.

Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

The problem is solved, it was that the "Source column" field in chart management was empty. But the bug is not fixed yet, I will look into that later.



Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47
Hi Witte,

Updated the ROCKtropia base map and assinged the image ID to the table.

The interactive map only displays the new map tiles at second to last maximum zoom levels, and a mixture of both at middle zoom level.
'Show all' within the map and viewing the image in gallery renders correctly.

Does the the map cache of the old tiles need to be flushed - im assuming this is the problem.

Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

I have cleared the tile cache maunally. I will take a look why it isn't cleared automatically.

Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

It looks like the problem is caused by local caching of the tiles. I changed the map to another image, and the same behaviour occured. But when I cleaned the cache of my browser, the correct tiles were shown. I am not sure how I can solve this issue server side.

Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

Ok never mind that last response. I found a way to fixed this. It should now work when the image is change, irregardless of any cache being cleared.

Witte (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47
Thanks Witte.
All working on this end too.
Chazlow (talk) - 07-03-2025 02:49:47

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